Ronald Reagan: An American Life (p. 162):
"One of the first things I told the members of my cabinet was that when I had a decision to make, I wanted to hear all sides of the issue, but there was one thing I didn’t want to hear: the political ramifications of my choices. The minute you begin saying, 'This is good or bad politically,' I said, 'you start compromising principle. The only consideration I want to hear is whether it is good or bad for the people.'"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I'm Puzzled.

President Obama visited Master Lock Company in Milwaukee, WI, on Wednesday to promote his jobs plan, which includes tax breaks for companies that bring jobs back from overseas. In his speech, the President mentioned Diamond Precision, which plans to add jobs in Milwaukee, and Collaborative Consulting, which wants to open a call center near Wausau.

Why does this puzzle me? These companies benefited from Governor Scott Walker’s pro-business tax incentives. See Walker’s announcement about Diamond Precision and the WEDC announcement about Collaborative Consulting, Inc.

If the President favors a federal tax incentive for job creation, why have Democrats opposed Walker’s tax reforms? What is the difference between the plans?

The only significant difference I can find is that President Obama plans to fund his tax breaks by closing tax loopholes on corporations that outsource jobs. Should Walker have done the same thing? Can Wisconsin penalize companies for outsourcing jobs to other states? Are there specific loopholes Gov. Walker should have closed?

At the end of his speech, Obama listed three values that have made America great: hard work, fair play and shared responsibility. So let’s play fair. If Walker’s tax incentives enabled Diamond Precision and Collaborative Consulting to create jobs in Wisconsin, maybe we should give him credit.

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