Ronald Reagan: An American Life (p. 162):
"One of the first things I told the members of my cabinet was that when I had a decision to make, I wanted to hear all sides of the issue, but there was one thing I didn’t want to hear: the political ramifications of my choices. The minute you begin saying, 'This is good or bad politically,' I said, 'you start compromising principle. The only consideration I want to hear is whether it is good or bad for the people.'"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? Wrong question!

Republicans like to ask this question. I’d like to tell them, “It doesn’t matter.” Are we really so selfish that we’ll vote for a president based on how our individual lives are going? If I’m unemployed, will I vote against President Obama because he hasn’t fixed my life?

The real question should be, “Is our country better off than it was 4 years ago?” With our national debt topping $16 trillion, I believe the answer is no.

I hope you have noticed by now that I am an equal-opportunity criticizer. I disagree with some of President George W. Bush’s policies. The debt increased $4.9 trillion during his 8 years in office.

The debt has increased $5.3 trillion during President Obama’s 4 years in office. Whose fault is this? Is the debt still driven by Bush’s policies? What effect have Obama’s policies had?

Those are questions we must answer. It takes research to find the truth. Are we patriotic enough to hunt for answers? Will we face the truth when we find it? Stay tuned as I pursue this truth quest.

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My facts about the debt are from a chart at "The Exploding National Debt: Who's Responsible?"


  1. ok I will be awaiting the quest for this truth!

  2. Ok, Jennifer, will be watching for your follow up comments after interesting further.
