Ronald Reagan: An American Life (p. 162):
"One of the first things I told the members of my cabinet was that when I had a decision to make, I wanted to hear all sides of the issue, but there was one thing I didn’t want to hear: the political ramifications of my choices. The minute you begin saying, 'This is good or bad politically,' I said, 'you start compromising principle. The only consideration I want to hear is whether it is good or bad for the people.'"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Capital Gains Taxes – Part 2

I will now prove how good I am at debate. I am so good that I can argue both sides of an issue. I will proceed to argue against my last post.

It is sometimes true that capital gains taxes are double taxation. Corporations pay high taxes on their profits. This negatively affects the price of their stock. The little bit that the stock increases in value is taxed again if the investor sells it and reports capital gain.

But not all capital gains are from stocks. If someone invests in gold and sells it at a profit, it’s pure profit. No corporate taxes have been paid.

Or is it pure profit? There is that awful word inflation, but I’ll leave that for my next post.

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